

Microsoft Teams, the hub for teamwork in Office 365

According to a recent study, 80% of employee time is spent collaborating with others. That's 4 days of each work week spent on teamwork. If you don't have a collaborative environment for your workers, you may find it takes a long time to make decisions, go to market, and respond to customers. At Multiskills-ng.com, we have a team of experienced professionals. We want to help you plan and integrate new solutions like Microsoft Teams that can help you boost productivity by 17%. Contact us today to learn more about how we're positioned to help you achieve more.

By |2020-02-19T15:47:38+01:00February 19th, 2020|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Microsoft Teams, the hub for teamwork in Office 365

City of Corona – Customer story

Do you want to make an impact on your organization? As an IT manager for the City of Corona, Kyle did. He saw an opportunity to pioneer IT technology and created a plan to help change the city's IT infrastructure. Using Microsoft 365 and Azure, Kyle connected thousands of the city's devices, so first responders had faster response times, traffic managers had real-time data, and the various departments could communicate more effectively. Think outside the box and shift to a modern business platform with Microsoft. Contact Multiskills-ng.com to find out how.

By |2021-07-25T18:43:04+01:00June 10th, 2019|Innovation|Comments Off on City of Corona – Customer story

Microsoft Teams, the hub for teamwork in Office 365

According to a recent study, 80% of employee time is spent collaborating with others. That's 4 days of each work week spent on teamwork. If you don't have a collaborative environment for your workers, you may find it takes a long time to make decisions, go to market, and respond to customers. At Multiskills-ng.com, we have a team of experienced professionals. We want to help you plan and integrate new solutions like Microsoft Teams that can help you boost productivity by 17%. Contact us today to learn more about how we're positioned to help you achieve more.

By |2020-03-13T14:43:02+01:00June 10th, 2019|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Microsoft Teams, the hub for teamwork in Office 365

What is voice?

At the City of Westminster College, Kabir is a student who is hard of hearing and communicates through an interpreter. The process is cumbersome. But when the school adopted Microsoft Teams, Kabir and his class started communicating effortlessly. The modern workplace facilitates teamwork, and students like Kabir can now collaborate at levels not possible before. Your business can collaborate better by integrating similar tools. At Multiskills-ng.com, we have the experience to help you streamline the adoption of a new collaborative solution. Contact us today to learn more on how we can help.

By |2019-10-05T21:56:27+01:00June 10th, 2019|Modern Workplace|Comments Off on What is voice?

Microsoft 365 Holistic Security

Ask yourself: what is the point of the efficiency and mobility advantages technology has provided us if they can be canceled out by burdensome security battling the constant threat of attack? At Multiskills-ng.com, we know we can do better. That's why we believe in Microsoft 365 E5. The versatile, holistic security it provides is the key to making technology work for us, not cybercriminals.

By |2020-03-13T14:45:30+01:00April 4th, 2019|Security|Comments Off on Microsoft 365 Holistic Security
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